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(* To watch the trailer/excerpts of the video click the right-hand thumbnail/picture shown above.)


Nearly every day Pope Francis makes another puzzling or provocative statement. Is this Pope determined to unite first Protestants, then Jews, eventually Muslims, and final all religions under the shadow of the Vatican?


We can't answer for the other religions but question why once-trusted Protestant leaders are apparently being seduced by the Pope's siren song? To re-script a phrase from the Apostle Paul's letter to the Galatians, "O foolish 21st century Evangelicals, who hath bewitched you?" Unity at the cost of truth isn't real unity. How can it be our path if it's actually based in error?


In this video presentation, Eric Barger reminds Bible-believers of just some of the many reasons why the Roman system opposes the Bible including:

- Idolatry

- Praying to or through the Dead

- Purgatory

- Faith & Works

- Papal Authority


Also included is a review of The Reformation and the "Reformers Hall of Fame." Here, Eric Barger revisits the men who risked their lives and freedoms to stand with the Bible against a corrupt religious system 500+ years ago. The question for us is: will we stand with them today or will we ignore their sacrifice - and the Scriptures - all for "unity" with a false religious system? The fight is the same as it was centuries ago. It's a battle for the authority of the Bible!


While critics bemoan the Reformers and the unfinished business Reformation leaders left behind such as Replacement Theology, Covenant Theology, Reformed Theology, Radical Calvinism, and the fact that some Reformers displayed blatant Antisemitism, we have to ask, where would we be without their contributions? Without their efforts Christianity might still rest under the control of Rome!


While this presentation is NOT an assault upon Catholics, this well-documented message illustrates the deep doctrinal divide that separates Rome and Bible-believers.


Remembering why there ever was a Reformation, Eric Barger points out, "It's not necessarily what we have in common with other religions that should determine our theological affiliations. Perhaps more important are the aberrant doctrines and practices that Bible-believers should NEVER find agreement with that must be considered first and foremost."


This title is also available for download at our Vimeo "On Demand" channel:


Find other downloadable videos by Eric Barger at our Vimeo "On Demand" channel:

Reasons to Stand with The Reformation and NOT Unite with Rome (DVD)




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