Freemasonry: Facts and Truth DVD
Real Jesus vs Counterfeits
The Nine Forbidden Practices (DVD)
Socialism vs The Bible (DVD)
Globalism in the Midst of Pandemic - Two DVD Set
When Emergent Isn't Emergent Anymore (DVD)
The New Confused Evangelicals - Two DVD Set
Reasons to Stand with The Reformation and NOT Unite with Rome (DVD)
The MOST Dangerous Cult (DVD)
Ten Reasons Why Jesus is Returning Soon (DVD)
The Deception of Chrislam (DVD)
The Errors of the Emergent Church (DVD)
Preparing for Perilous Times-Will You Be Victors or Victims? (DVD)
Is Your Church New Age, Emergent, or Christian? (DVD)
New Age or Not: What Difference Does It Make? (DVD)
The Battle Cry of Praise (DVD)
Spiritual Warfare: Defeating Darkness Seven Ways (DVD)
The Hidden World of the Occult (DVD)
Hath God Said? (DVD)
Are Mormons Christians? (DVD)